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Media Maratón de Bucaramanga 21 años - FCV

19 окт. 2024

Bucaramanga, CO


Партнерское мероприятие

Все соревнования: 3


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Все пользователи running.COACH: 14

The 1 ⁄ 2 Bucaramanga Marathon - FCV reaches its XXI version, with the celebration of the 400 years of the City of Bucaramanga. In this way, the FCV opens its doors to bring together the most important national and international athletes and more than 52,000 amateur athletes who will make the competition a party of healthy recreation, whose main objective is to improve the quality of life and the health of participants. The FCV, the Colombian Athletics Federation, the Santander Athletics League, among others, have come together to turn Bucaramanga and its Metropolitan Area into a protagonist of professional and amateur athletics, setting an example in carrying out physical activity events with the collaboration institutions and the private sector.

Media Maratón de Bucaramanga 20 años - FCV 21 km

19 окт. 2024


781ft В гору

771ft Вниз с горы

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This 21-kilometre route is designed for people who are passionate about challenges and reaching their maximum level of effort. It is intended for those who have had a disciplined preparation and constantly leave their comfort zone, frequently running distances of 10K and 15K. The competitive race will have the presence of elite athletes of national and international stature, who will seek to surpass their marks. In this category, men and women who are over 18 years of age on the day of the test may participate. It should be noted that the half marathon will resume its traditional route: the route, recognized by the Association of International Marathons and Distance Races -AIMS, for its acronym in English-, the Colombian Athletics Federation and the Santander Athletics League, will have as its point Starting and finishing point is Parque Turbay, located on Carrera 27. The contest seeks to recognize the city that, with its progress, transformation and entrepreneurship, has captivated thousands of national and foreign visitors. Streets with history, parks with monuments and sculptures that narrate the cultural construction of the city, emblematic points and buildings, and a warm climate that does not exceed 27 degrees Celsius, are part of the main attractions that visitors will find; Not to mention the tourist offer that will be present in neighboring municipalities and that make the experience in our department invaluable.

Пользователи running.COACH: 11

Media Maratón de Bucaramanga 20 años - FCV 10,6 Km

19 окт. 2024


817ft В гору

820ft Вниз с горы

Вы можете загрузить дистанцию с гонки в виде GPX-файла. Таким образом, вы сможете протестировать его с помощью GPS-часов или навигационного устройства. GPS-треки можно использовать только в личных целях. Дальнейшее распространение данных не допускается. Скачать GPX
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This has been the race with the greatest tradition and evolution since its inception in the region. Although it is less demanding than the half marathon, it has a route for high-level athletes or amateur runners, who want to conquer new sporting goals and continue adding kilometers. The marathon room is committed to generating spaces of awareness regarding the well-being of citizens; It has an elite category –in which people between the ages of 18 and 40 can participate–, and another for veterans –for men and women over 40–. The route, which will begin and end in Turbay Park, is similar to that of the half marathon, with the difference that in the 10.5K distance, the runners will complete the stipulated route only once before reaching the finish line; while in the 21K, they will have to do it twice.

Пользователи running.COACH: 1

Media Maratón de Bucaramanga 20 años - FCV 5 km

19 окт. 2024


427ft В гору

427ft Вниз с горы

Вы можете загрузить дистанцию с гонки в виде GPX-файла. Таким образом, вы сможете протестировать его с помощью GPS-часов или навигационного устройства. GPS-треки можно использовать только в личных целях. Дальнейшее распространение данных не допускается. Скачать GPX
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With the aim that all citizens can be part of this event, the FCV has organized the recreational category in all its editions; With a distance of 5K, the race will bring together children, youth, families and pets around an inclusive day of leisure and recreation. Wheelchair athletes will also participate, leaving Paralympic sport on high. As in the competitive races, the recreational race will start and finish in Turbay Park, and will have a shorter but no less demanding route for those who run this route for the first time or for those who want to do it at high levels of intensity. Despite the fact that it is a relatively short distance, it requires prior preparation that allows the body to adapt, measure the intensity and reach the goal. The most important thing, however, is to enjoy the experience!

Пользователи running.COACH: 2