Media Maratón de Bucaramanga

Bucaramanga , Колумбия 18. окт.
Партнерское мероприятие
The 1 ⁄ 2 Bucaramanga Marathon - FCV reaches its XXI version, with the celebration of the 400 years of the City of Bucaramanga. In this way, the FCV opens its doors to bring together the most important national and international athletes and more than 52,000 amateur athletes who will make the competition a party of healthy recreation, whose main objective is to improve the quality of life and the health of participants. The FCV, the Colombian Athletics Federation, the Santander Athletics League, among others, have come together to turn Bucaramanga and its Metropolitan Area into a protagonist of professional and amateur athletics, setting an example in carrying out physical activity events with the collaboration institutions and the private sector.

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Media Maratón de Bucaramanga - найдите свой идеальный темп бега 13.1 mi

Интересно, какой темп вам нужен на каждом участке дистанции, чтобы достичь целевого времени с учетом профиля высоты забега? Попробуйте наш калькулятор темпа и узнайте различные сценарии, чтобы оптимизировать тактику бега Media Maratón de Bucaramanga.
Расчетное время работы 01:45:29
0 km
22 m
4.33 min/km
1 km
102 m
5.12 min/km
2 km
83 m
4.47 min/km
3 km
11 m
4.23 min/km
4 km
26 m
4.32 min/km

ВОПРОСЫ И ОТВЕТЫ - Media Maratón de Bucaramanga 13.1 mi

This 21-kilometre route is designed for people who are passionate about challenges and reaching their maximum level of effort. It is intended for those who have had a disciplined preparation and constantly leave their comfort zone, frequently running distances of 10K and 15K. The competitive race will have the presence of elite athletes of national and international stature, who will seek to surpass their marks. In this category, men and women who are over 18 years of age on the day of the test may participate. It should be noted that the half marathon will resume its traditional route: the route, recognized by the Association of International Marathons and Distance Races -AIMS, for its acronym in English-, the Colombian Athletics Federation and the Santander Athletics League, will have as its point Starting and finishing point is Parque Turbay, located on Carrera 27. The contest seeks to recognize the city that, with its progress, transformation and entrepreneurship, has captivated thousands of national and foreign visitors. Streets with history, parks with monuments and sculptures that narrate the cultural construction of the city, emblematic points and buildings, and a warm climate that does not exceed 27 degrees Celsius, are part of the main attractions that visitors will find; Not to mention the tourist offer that will be present in neighboring municipalities and that make the experience in our department invaluable.

Media Maratón de Bucaramanga проводится в 18 окт. 2025

Media Maratón de Bucaramanga проходит в Bucaramanga, Колумбия

Media Maratón de Bucaramanga: Всего есть курсы 3

Самое короткое расстояние измеряется 3.3 км, а самое длинное 13.1 км

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Поезд для 13.1 mi of Media Maratón de Bucaramanga

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