Crossing Switzerland by Montreux Festival

Montreux , Schweiz 18 - 26. 7月 2026
An exceptional ultra-trail with exceptional landscapes: after a departure in Vaduz, Liechtenstein, the route will bring you soon into Switzerland. After a relatively easy start, you will soon discover the Alps crossing Switzerland from the east to the west. Visiting 7 cantons, known for their beautiful scenery you will be welcomed by our great team of volunteers at one of our many refreshment posts. And finally, the finish line awaits you in Montreux where you can relax, share your adventures and enjoy a dive into the Lac Léman, while legendary Freddie Mercury is watching over you.

Wähle die Distanz

18. 7月 2026
25. 7月 2026
26. 7月 2026

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FAQ - Crossing Switzerland by Montreux Festival 19.9 mi

Since 2017, you may be familiar with the MXSKY, a sort of Sierre-Zinal à la Vaudoise? This new Crossing Riviera is the younger sister, full of character and exceptional panoramas while retaining similar characteristics over around 30km. After the ascent through the old town of Montreux, which precedes the 1,055 steps of the never ending Telegraph Trail, it's on to Nirvana at over 2,000 metres at the Rochers de Naye. And it doesn't stop there? The return journey will take you through the Grottes de Naye and further around the magnificent Dent de Jaman. All that's left is to dive towards Lac Léman figurly and almost literally. After the breath-taking and exotic Gorges du Chauderon, a new route will take you to the beach of Clarens a lake, musical and fulfilling finale. And now you can take your well-deserved plunge into the water of Lac Léman.

Crossing Switzerland by Montreux Festival wird am 18. 7月 2026 durchgeführt

Crossing Switzerland by Montreux Festival findet in Montreux, Schweiz statt

Crossing Switzerland by Montreux Festival: Es gibt insgesamt 5 Strecken

Die kürzeste Strecke misst 5.0 km, und die längste 242.3 km

Obwohl es keine allgemeingültige Regel für die minimale Vorbereitungszeit gibt, empfehlen wir mindestens 12 Wochen Training für ein Rennen wie Crossing Switzerland by Montreux Festival

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