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Marató bp Castelló

16 Feb 2025

Castellón de la Plana, ES


All competitions : 2











The C.A. Running Castelló and the Patronat d'Esports Castelló organize the XIII Marató bp Castelló. The start will be at 09:20h. in the morning to begin the route, in Av. Vila-Real (after the start of the 10k Facsa Castelló). A distance of 42.195 m. with an urban course that has been officially approved by the R.F.E.A. and WORLD ATHLETICS. The finish line will be located in the central platform of the Ribalta Park. The base of the race will be located at the Gaetà Huguet School (cloakroom) and at the central platform of the Ribalta Park (finish line). Marató bp Castelló has the Label (Label World Athletics) The circuit is adapted for the enjoyment of the participants: The most straight course is maintained, with sea views and two-way running.

10K FACSA Castelló

16 Feb 2025


1736ft Uphill

1745ft Downhill

Here you can download the track from the race as a GPX file. This way you can test run it with the help of a GPS watch or navigation device. The GPS tracks may only be used for personal use. Further distribution of the data is not allowed. Download GPX
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10K FACSA Castelló has the Label (Label World Athletics), a seal of quality that elevates Castelló to the elite of international athletics. It is the first provincial event to achieve this international distinction, which was first awarded in the 2021 edition. Currently, it continues to maintain it.

Marató bp Castelló 42 km

16 Feb 2025


410ft Uphill

400ft Downhill

Here you can download the track from the race as a GPX file. This way you can test run it with the help of a GPS watch or navigation device. The GPS tracks may only be used for personal use. Further distribution of the data is not allowed. Download GPX
Only for registered users