FISHERMAN'S FRIEND StrongmanRun Winter Edition 2018
27 Jan 2018
Die FISHERMAN’S FRIEND StrongmanRun Winter Edition 2018 findet am 27. Januar in Villars-sur-Ollon (VD) statt. Die dritte Austragung wird besonders spektakulär, denn es ist der erste Downhill-Hindernislauf der Schweiz. Zuerst geht es mit der Gondel auf 1976 Meter und dann direkt 6 km und 700 Höhenmeter nach unten. Im Tal angekommen stehen zwei Runden, gespickt mit winterlichen Hindernissen, auf dem Programm. Im Mittelpunk stehen der Spass, das Abenteuer und die gemeinsamen Erlebnisse.
FAQ - FISHERMAN'S FRIEND StrongmanRun Winter Edition 2018
FISHERMAN'S FRIEND StrongmanRun Winter Edition 2018 takes place at 27 Jan 2018
FISHERMAN'S FRIEND StrongmanRun Winter Edition 2018 takes place in Villars-sur-Ollon, Switzerland
Although there is no general rule for the minimum preparation time, we recommend at least 12 weeks of training for a race like FISHERMAN'S FRIEND StrongmanRun Winter Edition 2018
If you want to prepare for FISHERMAN'S FRIEND StrongmanRun Winter Edition 2018, running.COACH offers dynamic training plans tailored to the requirements. Whether you're training for distance, speed or endurance, we have customized plans to help you reach your full potential on race day.

Train for FISHERMAN'S FRIEND StrongmanRun Winter Edition 2018
FISHERMAN'S FRIEND StrongmanRun Winter Edition 2018 - Prepare yourself optimally for your race with running.COACH! Our training plans, supported by artificial intelligence, dynamically adapt to your progress and help you achieve your target time. Whether you're aiming for a personal best or planning a successful finish, structured workouts, precise feedback and intelligent adjustments will keep you motivated and well prepared. Become part of a community that will get you to the finish line stronger than ever before!
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Be part of FISHERMAN'S FRIEND StrongmanRun Winter Edition 2018 – Join the running.COACH community and take your training to the next level!