International Half Marathon & 10K "Aguas de Alicante".

Alicante , Spain 15 Feb 2026
The International Half Marathon & 10K Aguas de Alicante, is organized by the Club de Atletismo Montemar and the Department of Sports of the City Council of Alicante. The urban circuit is approved by the Spanish Athletics Federation, an exciting route in an unbeatable setting such as the city of Alicante. As the race progresses all the historical monuments of the city and beaches rise giving a unique beauty to the test. The two urban foot races of 21,097.5 meters and 10,000 meters in which can participate all persons, federated or not, on which there is no sanction of any kind on the deadline set for registration, are 18 years old on the day of the race, on which there is no sanction of any kind on the last day of registration and meets the requirements.

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International Half Marathon & 10K "Aguas de Alicante". - Find your perfect running pace 6.2 mi

Curious what pace you need for each section of the course to reach your target time based on the elevation profile of the race? Try our pace calculator and discover different scenarios to optimize your International Half Marathon & 10K "Aguas de Alicante". race tactics.
Calculated running time 00:50:00
0 km
22 m
4.33 min/km
1 km
102 m
5.12 min/km
2 km
83 m
4.47 min/km
3 km
11 m
4.23 min/km
4 km
26 m
4.32 min/km

FAQ - International Half Marathon & 10K "Aguas de Alicante". 6.2 mi

1. Los 10K “Aguas de Alicante” se acoge a la normativa de la RFEA, el circuito está homologado por ésta y por tanto las marcas conseguidas serán oficiales. 2. El recorrido estará debidamente señalizado, en cada kilómetro, mediante indicadores con el número correspondiente. 3. Se instalará en el kilómetro 5 (aproximadamente) avituallamiento, en el cual también se colocarán contenedores sostenibles. 4. El cronometraje de la prueba se realizará mediante el sistema de “chip electrónico desechable” adherido al dorsal. Los corredores deberán retirarlo antes del inicio de la prueba junto con la bolsa del corredor. 5. Existirán controles de carrera en la línea de salida y de meta, así como en varios puntos del circuito, debiendo pasar por ellos obligatoriamente todos los participantes. 6. El 10K “Aguas de Alicante” dispondrá de los Servicios Médicos necesarios para atender al corredor durante el desarrollo de la misma. La Organización recomienda a todos los participantes que se sometan a un Reconocimiento Médico previo a la prueba, aceptando todo participante el riesgo derivado de la actividad deportiva 7. Se habilitará una zona de guardarropa tanto en la salida como próxima a la zona de meta. El guardarropa en ambos casos, estará situado en varios camiones trailers. La Organización no se hace responsable de los objetos de valor depositados en esta zona.

International Half Marathon & 10K "Aguas de Alicante". takes place at 15 Feb 2026

International Half Marathon & 10K "Aguas de Alicante". takes place in Alicante, Spain

International Half Marathon & 10K "Aguas de Alicante".: There are a total of 2 courses

The shortest distance available is 6.2 km, and the longest on is 13.1 km

Although there is no general rule for the minimum preparation time, we recommend at least 12 weeks of training for a race like International Half Marathon & 10K "Aguas de Alicante".

If you want to prepare for International Half Marathon & 10K "Aguas de Alicante"., running.COACH offers dynamic training plans tailored to the requirements. Whether you're training for distance, speed or endurance, we have customized plans to help you reach your full potential on race day.
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Train for 6.2 mi of International Half Marathon & 10K "Aguas de Alicante".

International Half Marathon & 10K "Aguas de Alicante". - Prepare yourself optimally for your race with running.COACH! Our training plans, supported by artificial intelligence, dynamically adapt to your progress and help you achieve your target time. Whether you're aiming for a personal best or planning a successful finish, structured workouts, precise feedback and intelligent adjustments will keep you motivated and well prepared. Become part of a community that will get you to the finish line stronger than ever before!
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