Long Beach Marathon

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Long Beach Marathon – Trova il tuo ritmo di corsa perfetto 26.2 mi
FAQ - Long Beach Marathon 26.2 mi
Challenge yourself to 26.2 miles and look forward to a fast and flat course at sea level elevation. Starting in Downtown Long Beach, runners head towards the historic Queen Mary and then through Shoreline Village. After running next to the Pacific Ocean on the flat beach path, marathoners head through Belmont Shore toward Marine Stadium. Runners then complete a 5K loop around the California State University, Long Beach campus and with 6.2 miles to go, runners head back towards Ocean Boulevard for a fast finish and Finish Line Festival celebration! Enjoy the oceanfront, marina, neighborhoods and monuments that make truly unique and race with perfect Southern California weather and fast and flat courses.

Allenati per 26.2 mi of Long Beach Marathon
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