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Marathon des Châteaux du Médoc

06. Sep 2025

Pauillac, FR


Alle Wettkämpfe: 1








The Médoc Marathon (Marathon du Médoc French .:, also Marathon des Châteaux du Médoc) is a marathon in Pauillac , held annually since 1985 in September. It is organized by the Association pour le marathon des Chateaux du Médoc (AMCM). Although the Médoc Marathon certainly has a competitive character, most of the participants rather appreciate the special atmosphere of the event experience. The race is famous for their stalls for wine tastings. In addition, many participants wear outlandish costumes during the run. The organizers called la santé (health), le sport (sport), la conviviality (hospitality) and la fête (celebrating) as the four pillars of the Médoc Marathon. Despite the specific nature of the marathon finish time similar to other running events is limited to 6:30 hours.

Marathon du Médoc

06. Sep 2025


545ft Uphill

564ft Downhill

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