Marathon de la Liberté

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Marathon de la Liberté - Finde dein perfektes Lauftempo 26.2 mi
FAQ - Marathon de la Liberté 26.2 mi
With 35 editions in the past, the D-Day Landings Marathon is the premier event on the mythical distance of 42.195 km. Often referred to as the D-Day Beaches Marathon, the D-Day Landings Marathon has one of the most beautiful courses in France. Proof of its international reputation, the event is now part of the qualifying marathons for the world ranking Abbott World Marathon Majors age categories. During this race, the personal endeavour is coupled with the discovery of the high places of the D-Day Landings and the Battle of Normandy (Juno and Sword beaches, Ouistreham Casino, Pegasus Bridge, etc.), making this intense moment of sport a real tribute to History.

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